There's a thin line between blogs that make sense.

Monday, August 21, 2006

"You do your thing, I'll shoot a bear in a cage"

So, I have always considered myself quite the sporting chap, always one to enjoy a good fox hunt or a quick foray into the northern barrens to go hawking. That's why it greatly offends my fine southern (Minnesota) upbringing when someone actually has the nuts to pump a few rounds into a bear, especially a tamed one. The "Gentry" in "Montgomery Gentry" decided to do just that. Apparently he didn't have the time to actually hunt a bear down, so instead he made a video to fake the hunt then shot a bear in a cage. The tame kind even, you know, the ones in the shriner hats? I presume that's what tipped the police off, a federal grand jury recently handed the smack down on him. The potential punishment is five years in jail and a $20,000 fine. Something tells me he won't be doing the jail time, and needless to say $20,000 is 4X the amount he paid for the bear in the first place. Who the fuck pays $5,000 for something then shoots it? A real man's man. Now I may be a pretty liberal dude, but I've never had anything against hunters, and I think it's stupid for anyone who eats meat to criticize them. But this is far, FAR from hunting. [LINK]

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